Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sally Mann

Ansel Adams

I love this picture by Ansel Adams.  The delicate rose looks so soft compared to the rough, coarse piece of wood it lays on. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Product Photography - Entry #7

This piece of jewelry is captured nicely in a professional product shoot. 

Shutter Speed - Entry #3

The picture above has a slow shutter speed, making the water blurry.

The picture above has a fast shutter speed, freezing the jumping children in place. 

This shot tracks the bear as it circles round and round. 

Limited Depth of Field - Entry #2

The girl's hand is in focus but her face is out of focus. 

Only the flower is in focus while the background is blurry. 

Only the middle part of the flower is in focus.